Volatility is an important element when trading in financial markets, as it reflects the price variation of the market over a particular period of time. Volatility indicators can be used by traders to show the magnitude and size of the price fluctuations of any particular instrument. Volatility can change in an instant in the currency market, depending on a number of factors. … [Read more...] about Volatility Indicators to Use in Forex Trading
Introduction To Harmonic Patterns In Trading
Overview In all financial markets trading, few technical analysis approaches are as precise as harmonic patterns. Harmonics are geometric patterns pinpointed through the use of specific Fibonacci ratios to outline very clear-cut turning points in the markets. To appreciate harmonics is to appreciate the harmonic power of Fibonacci. These ratios exist in a variety … [Read more...] about Introduction To Harmonic Patterns In Trading
Mirror Trading. Someone’s experience value in Forex
Wondering what Mirror trading is? It’s an innovative trading strategy that can help you with trading or even setting up your trading strategy. Especially beneficial for newbies, mirror trading allows you to mimic the trading decisions of seasoned traders. Read further to understand how you can incorporate mirror trading to optimize profits while investing. What is … [Read more...] about Mirror Trading. Someone’s experience value in Forex
Understanding probabilities in trading
Trading any financial market is a game of probabilities and NOT certainties. Even the smartest mathematicians understand this one fact that seems to allude struggling traders. Fortunately, the probabilities of trading are simple to understand. The best and most used likeness for comprehending probabilities in trading is the coin toss. The coin toss and the financial markets … [Read more...] about Understanding probabilities in trading
How to master the buy the dip strategy
What is buy the dip? Buy the dip is a popular trading strategy where a trader or investor buys an asset whose price has suddenly fallen. By buying, they believe that the decline in the asset’s price is a temporary thing and that the price will resume the previous upward trend. The strategy is premised on the basic principle of buying low and selling high. Importantly, … [Read more...] about How to master the buy the dip strategy