Iran is set to export its first oil consignment from the new Jask terminal in the next four weeks, S&P Global reported.
- Oil minister Bijan Zanganeh said the shipment will be delivered in the Iranian month of Khordad which starts May 22 and ends June 21.
- The shipment will come from the Jask terminal on the Oman Sea Coast, after the completion of the Goureh-Jask oil pipeline that bypasses the Hormuz Strait.
- The $1.1-billion pipeline connected the Goureh pump station which receives heavy oil from oil-rich regions to Kharg Island.
- The pipeline has a capacity to carry 1 million barrels per day of crude from the West Karun oil field to the Oman Sea.
- The Strait of Hormus was the hotspot of tensions between Iran and the United States. Several tankers in the area were hit by mines or other attacks.
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