Momentum indicators are the wingman of the trend, and as the trend is your friend in Forex, so, momentum indicators are also your friends. Why? Have you ever thought that a rally extension shouldn't work, yet the price escalates levels and reaches new records every moment? Well, the momentum indicator tells you about that. Today, we are going to talk about one of the best … [Read more...] about Momentum Indicator Guide
Technical Analysis
Oscillator Indicator Guide
Oscillator is a technical indicator to check momentum and volume in Forex and to find entry and exit points. Learn how to use Oscillator in Forex Trading. Oscillator indicators in the Forex market, how is that possible? You may have been noticing that experts and well-known investors usually take studies of other disciplines different from investments or financials to try … [Read more...] about Oscillator Indicator Guide
Forex Indicators: Most followed Forex tools
Forex indicators are the blood of the forex market. Indeed, Forex trading is not an easy task, but if you have the ability to identify patterns, events, and synergies, you will have a lot gained. One of the essential tools to try to anticipate forex movements and then take profit of it are technical forex indicators. Now, we are going to talk about forex indicators and how … [Read more...] about Forex Indicators: Most followed Forex tools
Fundamental vs Technical Analysis
As every aspect of life, there is always more than one way to do the same thing. Forex is no exception. When it comes to talking about this industry and the way you traders do research, there are two significant currents, the fundamental analysis, and the technical analysis. There is a massive debate about what type of approach is better and which one makes more money. Do … [Read more...] about Fundamental vs Technical Analysis